
What is p5.js?

p5.js is a JavaScript library. In a nutshell, it lets us do a lot of cool stuff without writing much code. That’s all you need to know (for now!)

Hello World!

Hello world is p5js is slightly different than in most other languages. We draw a line from the Origin (0, 0) to a point (400, 400). Type the following into your sketch.js file:

function setup() {
    createCanvas(1000, 500);

function draw() {
    // Draw a line
    line(0, 0, 200, 200);

In this snippet, we create 2 functions (more on that later): setup and draw. When our script is run, the function setup is called and the code inside is executed. This means the createCanvas line is called, which creates a canvas of width 1000 pixels and height 500 pixels.

Then, the draw function is called. Inside the draw function, the line function is called which draws a line from the origin (0, 0) to a point (200, 200).


Variables are containers that store data. This containers can store any type of data, be it a name, a mobile number, an Aadhar number, an email address, and so on.

The basic syntax to create a variable is:

let my_varaible_name = my_variable_value;

For example,

let my_number = 1234567890;
let my_email_id = '';

In Javascript, you can also create a variable by saying var instead of let.

‘main’ and ‘setup’

main and setup are special functions.